
Growinn Curriculum Objectives (Across 3 Levels)

Growinn Early Childhood Solution's curriculum objectives are concrete statements describing what curriculum is trying to achieve over a period of 3 years. These objectives are specific and measurable.

Areas of Development (Across all levels)
Fine Motor Skills

(Science, History
and Geography)

Sample Kreedo Curriculum Objectives (Across 3 Levels)

Level 1 (2.5-3.5 Years)
Level 2 (3.5-4.5 Years)
Level 3 (4.5-5.5 Years)
  • More and less
  • Identification of numbers 1-10
  • Oral counting 1-20
  • Number to quantity 1-10
  • Number 11-1999
  • Quantity association
  • Place value of Thousand, Hundreds, Tens & Units
  • Oral counting 1-100
  • Addition pictorial
  • Addition of 4 digit numbers with understanding of carry forward
  • Introduction to Number Line
  • Subtraction of 4 digit numbers with understanding of borrowing
  • Abstract Addition
  • Squares of numbers
  • Multiplication and Tables
  • Time and Clock

Introduction to Division, Fractions, Volume, Areas, Measure distances, Money, Simple Problem statements with pictures

  • Identification of sounds
  • Recognition of letter symbols-smaller & upper case
  • Number 11-1999
  • Quantity association
  • Place value of Thousand, Hundreds, Tens & Units
  • Oral counting 1-100
  • Addition pictorial
  • Addition of 4 digit numbers with understanding of carry forward
  • Introduction to Number Line
  • Subtraction of 4 digit numbers with understanding of borrowing
  • Abstract Addition
  • Squares of numbers
  • Multiplication and Tables
  • Time and Clock

Introduction to Division, Fractions, Volume, Areas, Measure distances, Money, Simple Problem statements with pictures

Fine Motor Skills
  • Ability to use one hand deftly
  • Use of two hands for different purposes
  • Ability to use two hands for complex activities
  • Identifying simple shapes, colours, sizes, texture, grading
  • Names of polygons
  • Sorting, grouping, classifying
  • 2D to 3D pairing
  • Associations
  • Visual completion
  • Visual Discrimination
  • Logical reasoning
Culture (Science, History and Geography)
  • Identifying parts of the body
  • Identifying parts of a tree
  • Island and lake
  • Growth of a plant
  • Names of musical instruments
  • Dance forms
  • Calendar
  • Costumes of the world
  • Land forms
  • Water forms
  • Names of Indian states
  • Names of Asian countries
  • Solar system
  • Parts of animals
  • Directions – North, South, East West
  • Timeline of Eras & Humans
  • Letters and numbers
  • 3+ letter words, simple addition, phrases
  • Writing complex phonetic words
  • Sentences
Socio-emotiona development
  • Settling, routine, eating and doing their own tasks independently
  • Following instructions
  • Cooperation
  • Playing with peers
  • Helps and shares belongings
  • Understanding how to wait for a chance
  • Initiating conversation
  • Caring for environment
  • Empathising with younger children
  • All about me
  • Food and nutrition
  • Transportation
  • Plant kingdom
  • Animal kingdom
  • Professions and industries
  • Communication
  • Earth and nature
  • The material world
  • Society and culture